Supplier Registration

General Information

Contact person

Note: The registration details will be sent to the email address of the contact person.

Managing Director

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<b>Product categories</b> reduzierenProduct categories
 Mechanical components
 Mechanically machined components
 Welded constructions and steel construction
 Electrical and electronic components
 Hydraulics and pneumatics
 Drive technology
 Sensors and measurement technology
 Control technology
 Connection technology and fastening technology
 Raw materials and semifinished products
 Tools and operating equipment
<b>Service categories</b> reduzierenService categories
 Engineering and construction
 Production and assembly
 Automation and robotics
 Surface treatment
 Inspection service
 Maintenance and servicing
 Logistics and transport
 Technical documentation
 Software and IT services

1. Does your company have a documented quality management system?

2. Does your company have a documented environmental management system?

3. Does your company have a documented energy management system?

4. Does your company have a documented occupational health and safety management system?

How did you hear about us?

Additional note

Required fields are marked with *

Data protection Reviewed & Accepted

Terms and conditions of purchase Reviewed & Accepted